The goal of Gnosia is to fill out information about your crewmates by collecting all of the Notes in Crew Data. As the rest of the wiki contains unmarked spoilers, particularly on the Notes subpages, this page serves as a spoiler-free guide to obtaining them all and completing the game.
- 1 Character Creation
- 2 Tutorial
- 3 Notes
- 3.1 Setsu
- 3.2 Gina
- 3.3 SQ
- 3.4 Raqio
- 3.5 Stella
- 3.6 Shigemichi
- 3.7 Chipie
- 3.8 Comet
- 3.9 Jonas
- 3.10 Kukrushka
- 3.11 Otome
- 3.12 Sha-Ming
- 3.13 Remnan
- 3.14 Yuriko
- 4 Ending the Game
- 4.1 Normal Ending
- 4.2 True Ending
- 5 See also
Character Creation[]

When starting the game, you'll be prompted to make a character. Your name doesn't matter, as there are no restrictions for what you can possibly name yourself. There is a slight relevance to which color you pick, as certain characters will like or dislike certain colors. However, even if a character dislikes the color you pick, going through more loops and gaining Notes will make them like you more, so it's best not to worry about it too much. Just pick your favorite!
There are three choices for sex: male, female, and non-binary. Your choice generally doesn't matter, but there are a few gender-locked bonus scenes. In particular male players have the ability to view romantic events with Gina and Stella while female players can do the same with Sha-Ming and Remnan. Non-binary players don't have any exclusive events of their own and can't view either set of events, but they aren't kept from any of the romantically-inclined events available to all players. Note that being male or female won't force you into seeing said scenes if you aren't interested in them: you'll still have to fulfill the right conditions, so they'll still be missable.
On that note, don't worry about missing content! With all of the dialogue options and various ways some loops can turn out, it's impossible to see all the game has to offer on one file. Once you've completed the game and started a new file you'll unlock the ability to jump back to individual days/nights, making it much easier to unlock anything you missed the first time around. Furthermore, with all of the story under your belt you'll be able to browse this wiki freely to find help without worrying about getting spoiled!
Finally, there's abilities. You get 5 points to allocate, and if you really want to you can even remove some of the base stats given to you to reallocate elsewhere. In general this isn't advised on a first playthrough as 5s all around give you a solid foundation to work from.
Here's a brief overview of what each ability does:
- Charisma: Determines how many characters will agree with a statement you make.
- Intuition: Determines how easily you can detect lies.
- Logic: Determines how easily your statements damage (when attacking) or enhance (when defending) your target's Trust. Leveling Logic also lets you view more lines in the text backlog.
- Charm: Determines the rate at which your Trust and Amicability levels increase and decrease. High Charm makes you more likeable and thus more likely to have others come to your defense and propose alliances.
- Performance: Determines how easily your statements damage or enhance another character's Amicability. Performance also determines how good you are at lying.
- Stealth: Determines how much attention you draw and thus how much talking - or lack thereof - you can get away with before people get annoyed and/or suspicious. Having high stealth makes you less likely to be targeted by the Gnosia at night.
Trust and Amicability are invisible defensive stats, the former being a measure of how convinced people are that a given character is an ally with good opinions and the latter being a measure of how well-liked a character is.
Getting Charisma to level 10 ASAP is a good idea, as it will let you use the skill Step Forward freely when you unlock it. This will give you an excellent opening move to make every loop, forcing all claimable roles to put their cards on the table and giving the player the opportunity to build their reputation without being suspicious. After that, getting Stealth to 10 for when they unlock the Small Talk skill gets another invaluable skill out of the way.
From that point onward which stats you level are more up to personal preference! Charm and Stealth are both invaluable for keeping the player alive, so for new players they're great to try and keep a little ahead of everything else. If you find yourself enjoying playing the enemy roles, Performance will be a necessity. If you like to play offensively, Charisma and Logic will be handy. Intuition is usually safe to sacrifice as you often need quite a lot of it to spot lies consistently, but if you like spotting lies it won't make the game significantly harder on you if you invest heavily.
Whatever you choose to invest in, know that you'll be able to change things up later! During the tutorial you'll unlock the ability to level up with your accumulated EXP, which will give you plenty of wiggle room to buff up any stats you neglected during creation. If you ever feel like you've wasted your points by investing too much into an ability you're not finding useful, you'll have the ability to reallocate your stats entirely later on by visiting Yuriko at night whenever you're playing as the Bug role!
For more in-depth information about abilities, the Gameplay and Abilities pages are both free of spoilers. The latter page in particular contains a section that goes into greater detail about which stats are best to invest in and why.
Once you've created your character, you'll jump right into the story. The first 13 loops of the game are somewhat static, having story beats and doling out new characters and roles in a way that will be consistent every time you start a new file. However, which character is which role typically is not static, so you'll have to deduce who's Gnosia on your own like in any other loop. A few loops do have static assignments or hints about who the Gnosia is, however. If you'd like to try and get as much EXP as soon as possible, these are as follows:
- Loop 1: SQ is always the Gnosia in this loop.
- Loop 10: If Kukrushka closes her eyes at the end of her introductory cutscene, she's Gnosia. If she keeps them open, she's human.
- Loop 13: If SQ is human she'll say the line "I was like, suuuper lucky I got on this ship," but if she's Gnosia she'll say "We were like, suuuper lucky we got on this ship."
Don't be afraid to lose, however! You'll in fact need to lose many times in order to complete the game, and you still get some EXP for losses. If you're ever really unsatisfied with a loss - such as if you were trying to see an event through - at any time (even on the results screen!) you can enter the pause menu and restart the loop entirely. This will re-randomize everyone's roles, but some of the tutorial loops have unique dialogue for winning and thus it can be worth it to not accept a loss.

At some point or another you should open up the pause menu to view the in-game How To Play guide. This guide is incredibly in-depth without being lengthy or complicated and goes into all of the games mechanics, describing many things that don't get covered in the tutorial and going into greater detail about the things that do.
After Loop 13 the game opens up and you'll be able to start collecting Notes, skills, and see various events. There is one more technical tutorial loop in Loop 16, which introduces the final role: Bug. You'll need to win said loop in order to unlock the role in Setup, but if you fail said loop the surrounding event will simply recur in a random later loop. If you'd like to play around with it as soon as possible or want to beat the game as quickly as possible, however, you can always restart the loop if you fail.

Once the tutorial loops are over, the game becomes about collecting Notes to fill out everyone's sections in Crew Data. Most of these will be easily collected through normal play without even intending to, but as the game progresses and the number of remaining Notes thins certain ones may prove tricky to obtain. This section thus provides information on how to unlock each Note without spoiling the contents of the Notes themselves.
It is recommended you not look at this section until you've played through the game for a while and have hit the point where you are no longer regularly unlocking Notes through casual play and need help figuring the rest out. This guide is only as spoiler-free as the nature of the game allows: while the Notes themselves aren't spoiled, the circumstances needed to unlock a Note alone can spoil some things.
Some Notes will have icons in-game indicating that you must be Crew-aligned n or Gnosia in order to unlock them. If applicable, which you need to be will be indicated at the start of the note, but otherwise assume you can be either.
For Notes where certain characters must be kept alive until the end it can be helpful to assign yourself the Guardian Angel role or play as Gnosia if you don't need to be human.
Even when it seems like an event might be exclusive to that loop, it's not. It's impossible to miss anything that's required to beat the game; if you fail to get a certain note the circumstances needed will inevitably reappear in another loop. If you're stuck on one where the event triggers but not the follow-up, try restarting and keeping other relevant characters alive.
Note: The term Crew-aligned refers to the collection of roles that want humans to win (Crew, Engineer, Doctor, Guardian Angel, and Guard Duty). If a Note requires the player or a character to be Crew-aligned, then the player/character cannot be the AC Follower. If the requirement only says Human, then the AC Follower is permitted.
Note | Your Role | Prerequisites | Needed Characters | Other |
1 | Any | N/A | N/A | Unlocked automatically during the tutorial. |
2 | Any role except Bug | N/A | Setsu | Win a loop with Setsu when you are both on the same side. Unlocks Event Search. |
3 | Any | N/A | Setsu, Sha-Ming | Occurs randomly at the start of a loop where Setsu has low Amicability with Sha-Ming. |
4 | Crew-aligned* / Any | N/A | Setsu, Jonas, Kukrushka | The player and Setsu must be Crew-aligned in a loop where Jonas gives Kukrushka a special goodbye after she is sent to cold sleep (The player will be unable to say goodbye to her) and win. On the next loop (you and Setsu can now be any alignment), ensure Setsu and Jonas survive the first round and then talk to Jonas at night. Subsequently put Jonas into cold sleep (or kill him if you're Gnosia) and visit the hangar at night with Setsu alive. Alternatively, this Note can be obtained alongside Setsu 6. |
5 | Any | N/A | Setsu, Shigemichi, Otome | Player must either be on Loop 65+ or have obtained Setsu 6. Occurs randomly at the start of a loop; select the "Let's play" option. |
6 | Crew-aligned | Gina 5*, Yuriko 6* | Setsu | Make sure Raqio survives a loop as Bug if you failed to do so while acquiring Yuriko 6. After that, survive a loop with Setsu alive. There are a few steps from here, but I suggest playing things out from here until you're not sure what to do. If you aren't sure:
Note | Your Role | Prerequisites | Needed Characters | Other |
1 | Any | N/A | N/A | Unlocked automatically during the tutorial. |
2 | Crew-aligned | N/A | Gina | Gina must be Crew-aligned. Win alongside her; if your Amicability was high enough, you'll receive the Note. |
3 | Human or Bug | N/A | Gina | Gina must be Gnosia and not claim a role. If there are 2 or more Gnosia remaining, a scene may trigger at the beginning of a day's discussion that gives you the note. |
4 | Any | N/A | Gina, Setsu, Comet | Gina must be Crew-aligned and trust the player. Gina must see through a Gnosia's lies during the debate; if all requirements are met, there will be a night event with her where she gives you Don't Be Fooled. |
5 | Crew-aligned | Gina Note 3 | Gina, Stella | Obtained through a night event that occurs when the required characters are alive and there are two or more Gnosia remaining. |
6 | Any | Setsu 2 | Gina, Setsu, Raqio, Stella, Shigemichi, Sha-Ming | Occurs randomly at the beginning of a loop when the required characters are present. |
Note | Your Role | Prerequisites | Needed Characters | Other |
1 | Any | N/A | N/A | Unlocked automatically during the tutorial. |
2 | Method 1: Crew-aligned Method 2: Gnosia | N/A | SQ, Remnan, Raqio* | Method 1: Lose to a Gnosia SQ with a Crew-aligned Remnan around. Method 2: On loop 25+, be Gnosia with SQ in a loop with a Human Remnan and Raqio. An event will occur at the start of the loop, obtaining the note. |
3 | Any | SQ 2/Remnan 3, Yuriko 4 | SQ, Raqio, Remnan | SQ must be Gnosia. Remnan must be Crew-aligned. SQ must try and cooperate with Remnan, and his response will differ from the usual refusal line. Ensure Raqio/Remnan do not go into cold sleep, and a night event in the Synthesis Plant will be available. Put SQ into cold sleep afterwards and view Remnan's subsequent night event. |
4 | Crew-aligned | N/A | SQ | SQ must be Crew-aligned. The player must have obtained Seek Help first, which can be obtained in a loop where a Gnosia SQ collaborates with a Crew-aligned player at night. In the current loop, win alongside SQ. |
5 | Gnosia | SQ 1-4 | SQ | SQ must be Crew-aligned. There must be 9+ people in the loop and 2+ Gnosia. Visit SQ at night when she has an event. Make sure she survives until the next night, then talk to her again and agree to her proposal. Win with her alive. |
Note | Your Role | Prerequisites | Needed Characters | Other |
1 | Any | N/A | N/A | Unlocked automatically during the tutorial. |
2 | Crew-aligned | N/A | Raqio | Raqio must be Crew-aligned. Win alongside them. |
3 | Any | N/A | Raqio, Setsu, SQ | Night event; triggers when the listed characters are alive and Raqio isn't an active detractor of the player's. Choose to look when prompted. |
4 | Any | N/A | Raqio, SQ | Night event that requires a Bug and an AC Follower to be present in the loop; it also requires the player to have seen previous events with Raqio where they grant the Definite Human/Enemy skill and quiz the player about the Guardian Angel role. The former will occur in a loop where Gina and an Engineer are present. The latter will occur in a loop where the Guardian Angel, Engineer, and Bug roles are in play. |
5 | Any | Raqio 3-4 | All | Night event that occurs when conditions are met, and when a Doctor is present. |
6 | Crew-aligned | Raqio 1-5, Yuriko 5 | Raqio, Setsu | Raqio must be Crew-aligned and the player must not know Setsu's role (such as through being Gnosia alongside them). After an event with Setsu tell everything to Raqio when prompted, view their subsequent night event, then win with them alive. |
Note | Your Role | Prerequisites | Needed Characters | Other |
1 | Any | N/A | N/A | Unlocked automatically during the tutorial. |
2 | Any | Shigemichi 6 | Stella, Shigemichi | Randomly occurs during discussion when Shigemichi (Crew-aligned) and Stella (Any role) are present and don't have a low opinion of one another. Keep them alive and watch Shigemichi's event that night. Ensure they both live until the next night and watch Stella's event. |
3 | Any | N/A | Stella | Night event; Stella must like/trust the player somewhat. |
4 | Crew-aligned | Jonas 3 and either Jonas 2 or be on Loop 35+ | Stella, Jonas | Either Stella or Jonas must be Gnosia, but not both. An event will play at the beginning of a loop with Stella and Jonas. Keep both of them alive for long enough to view Jonas's event one night and Stella's the next. |
5 | Crew-aligned | Stella 1-4 | Stella, Setsu, Jonas, Yuriko | Setsu must be Crew-aligned, Stella must be either Crew or Guardian Angel, and the loop must have 9+ characters. An event will occur during the debate; keep Setsu alive to visit Stella at night, and then speak when prompted. Ensure you survive next morning to obtain the Note. |
Note | Your Role | Prerequisites | Needed Characters | Other |
1 | Any | N/A | N/A | Unlocked automatically during the tutorial. |
2 | Any | Setsu 5 | Shigemichi, Setsu, Chipie | Night event; requires the listed characters to be alive. |
3 | Any | Shigemichi 2 | Shigemichi | Night event; requires Shigemichi to be alive and like the player. |
4 | Any | N/A | Shigemichi, Raqio, Sha-Ming | Loop 30+. Night event that occurs when all listed characters are alive and someone has disappeared overnight. Odds of obtaining this event increase at Loop 80+. |
5 | Any | N/A | Shigemichi, Stella, Jonas, Remnan | Occurs when Shigemichi and Jonas claim the same role. Keep the listed characters from being frozen during the debate, then watch the subsequent night event. |
6 | Any | Stella 3 | Shigemichi, Stella | Shigemichi must be Crew-aligned. Night event that triggers when Shigemichi and Stella are both alive. |
7 | Any | Shigemichi 6 | Shigemichi, Stella | Shigemichi (Crew-aligned) and Stella (Any role) must not dislike/distrust one another. A scene will occur during the debates. Shigemichi will have a night event afterward, and the following night Stella will have one if both characters are still alive. |
Note | Your Role | Prerequisites | Needed Characters | Other |
1 | Any | N/A | N/A | Unlocked automatically during the tutorial. |
2 | Crew-aligned or Gnosia | N/A | Chipie | Lose to Chipie when he's Gnosia. Can alternatively be obtained alongside Chipie 3. |
3 | Gnosia | N/A | Chipie | Occurs at the beginning of a loop where Chipie is also Gnosia. The player must be on Loop 40+; if the player has 15 or more Charm this requirement is reduced to Loop 25+. |
4 | Any | N/A | Chipie, Comet | Neither Chipie nor Comet can be on Guard Duty. Triggers at night when they and the player all have decent Amicability with one another. |
5 | Any Any | Setsu 2, Chipie 2 | Chipie | Night event; triggers after the player has agreed to collaborate with him. The player must have the Let's Collaborate skill, which can be obtained in a loop where the player and Chipie are Gnosia allies, Chipie collaborates with a human, and the player then visits him at night. |
6 | Any | Setsu 5 | Chipie, Setsu, Shigemichi | Night event; requires the listed characters to be alive. |
Note | Your Role | Prerequisites | Needed Characters | Other |
1 | Any | N/A | N/A | Unlocked automatically during the tutorial. |
2 | Crew-aligned | N/A | Comet | Comet must be Crew-aligned. Win alongside her. |
3 | Any | N/A | Comet, Chipie | Neither Comet nor Chipie can be on Guard Duty. Triggers at night when they and the player all have decent Amicability with one another. |
4 | Any | N/A | Comet, Raqio | Comet must be Crew. Night event that triggers when Comet catches someone lying and has a decent amount of Trust toward the player. |
5 | Any | N/A | Comet | Night event; triggers when Comet is alive and both likes and trusts the player. Either join her or say nothing to get the Note. |
6 | Crew-aligned | Setsu 2, Comet 5, Sha-Ming 3 | Comet, Stella, Shigemichi, Jonas, Sha-Ming, Remnan | Sha-Ming must be Gnosia, Stella must not be Gnosia, and Jonas must be Human. Send Comet to cold sleep; if the other listed characters live until the next morning, an event will play. |
7 | Gnosia | Comet 1-5 | Comet | Comet must also be Gnosia. The player must be on Loop 60+ with no more than 3 Gnosia present in the loop. If Comet makes it to the first night action, an event will play. |
Note | Your Role | Prerequisites | Needed Characters | Other |
1 | Any | N/A | N/A | Unlocked automatically during the tutorial. |
2 | Crew-aligned | N/A | Jonas, Remnan | Jonas and Remnan must be Crew-aligned. Win alongside them; Comet can optionally be present for additional dialogue but her absence won't keep you from getting the Note. Can alternatively be obtained by getting Jonas 4. |
3 | Any | N/A | Jonas, Gina, SQ | Night event that triggers when the listed characters are alive and SQ and Gina have decent Amicability with each other. |
4 | Crew-aligned | Jonas 3 and either Jonas 2 or be on Loop 35+ | Jonas, Stella | Either Jonas or Stella must be Gnosia, but not both. An event will play at the beginning of a loop with Jonas and Stella. Keep both of them alive for long enough to view Jonas's event one night and Stella's the next. |
5 | Any | Yuriko 2-3 | Jonas, SQ, Kukrushka, Remnan, Yuriko | Kukrushka must not be Gnosia. Jonas and Yuriko must be on opposing sides. If the listed characters are alive at night, a night event will become available. |
6 | Any | N/A | Jonas, Stella, Shigemichi, Remnan | Occurs when Jonas and Shigemichi claim the same role. Keep the listed characters from being frozen during the debate, then watch the subsequent night event. |
7 | Any | Kukrushka 5 | Jonas, Setsu, Kukrushka | Setsu will talk to you at the beginning of a loop about Jonas. All three of you must survive until night, then go talk to Jonas. You'll need to talk to him with Setsu for two more nights, so being Gnosia or the Guardian Angel can be helpful in ensuring they both live until then. |
Note | Your Role | Prerequisites | Needed Characters | Other |
1 | Any | N/A | N/A | Unlocked automatically during the tutorial. |
2 | Any | N/A | Kukrushka, Otome | Night event; requires the listed characters to be alive and have decent Amicability with one another. |
3 | Any | Yuriko 2-3 | Kukrushka, SQ, Jonas, Remnan, Yuriko | Kukrushka must not be Gnosia. Jonas and Yuriko must be on opposing sides. If the listed characters are alive at night, a night event will become available. |
4 | Any role except Guard Duty | Kukrushka 3 or both Setsu 2 and SQ 2. | Kukrushka, Remnan | Occurs at the beginning of a loop when Kukrushka and Remnan are on Guard Duty in a loop with 9+ characters. |
5 | Human or Bug | Jonas 3, Jonas 5, Kukrushka 4 | Kukrushka, Setsu, Jonas | The player and Setsu must be Crew-aligned in a loop where Jonas gives Kukrushka a special goodbye after she is sent to cold sleep (The player will be unable to say goodbye to her) and win. In the next loop, visit the hangar with Setsu. Afterward, put Jonas into cold sleep (or let him disappear if you are the Guardian Angel and he's Human) and return to the hangar. If either you or Setsu are Gnosia in this loop, get to a loop where you aren't and win with them. |
6 | Any | Kukrushka 5 | Setsu, Jonas, Kukrushka | Setsu will talk to you at the beginning of a loop about Jonas. All three of you must survive until night, then go talk to Jonas. You'll need to talk to him with Setsu for two more nights, so being Gnosia or the Guardian Angel can be helpful in ensuring they both live until then. |
Note | Your Role | Prerequisites | Needed Characters | Other |
1 | Any | N/A | N/A | Unlocked automatically during the tutorial. |
2 | Crew-aligned | N/A | Otome | Otome must be Crew-aligned. Win alongside her. |
3 | Any | Setsu 2 | Otome, Sha-Ming, Remnan | Night event that triggers when the listed characters are alive at night. Otome must have decent Amicability between herself, Sha-Ming, and Remnan, but Sha-Ming and Remnan don't need to like each other. |
4 | Any | N/A | Otome, Raqio | The Bug role must be present. Otome will use Don't Vote during the discussion and an event with Otome will be available that night if she doesn't get put into cold sleep. |
5 | Any | N/A | Otome, Kukrushka | Night event; requires the listed characters to be alive and have decent Amicability with one another. |
6 | Any | N/A | Otome, Stella, Shigemichi, Kukrushka | Must be on loop 40+ with the required characters present. Otome must be the Bug, while Shigemichi must be Crew-aligned. View a night event with Otome and Shigemichi, then survive until Otome wins. |
Note | Your Role | Prerequisites | Needed Characters | Other |
1 | Any | N/A | N/A | Unlocked automatically during the tutorial. |
2 | Any | Setsu 2 | Sha-Ming, Otome, Remnan | Night event that triggers when the listed characters are alive at night. Otome must have decent Amicability between herself, Sha-Ming, and Remnan, but Sha-Ming and Remnan don't need to like each other. |
3 | Gnosia | Sha-Ming 2 | Sha-Ming | Sha-Ming must also be Gnosia. Speak to Sha-Ming at night and he will recommend attacking a specific character (Otome); the text will differ from the usual Gnosia elimination recommendation. You can either accept or reject his recommendation, but you must be consistent with your choice. Afterwards, a night event in the Rec Room will be available and speak when prompted. Win the loop together afterward. |
4 | Any | N/A | Sha-Ming | Select Sha-Ming for cold sleep when there are at least 5 characters alive and he has decent Amicability with you. Sha-Ming also needs to have a minimum of 35 Stealth, so try getting his other Notes to boost his stats if this event isn't occurring. View his night event afterward and ask him to teach you. |
Note | Your Role | Prerequisites | Needed Characters | Other |
1 | Any | N/A | N/A | Unlocked automatically during the tutorial. |
2 | Any | N/A | Remnan, Raqio, Stella, Comet | The Bug role must be present. You either must have experienced two people disappearing at once (the Bug getting scanned by the Engineer and the Gnosia successfully eliminating someone at the same time) at some point during your playthrough or be on Loop 80+. Night event that triggers when all listed characters (aside from Raqio, who is only mentioned) are alive at night. |
3 | Method 1: Crew-aligned Method 2: Gnosia | N/A | SQ, Remnan, Raqio* | Method 1: Lose to a Gnosia SQ with a Crew-aligned Remnan alive. Method 2: On loop 25+, be Gnosia with SQ in a loop with a Human Remnan and Raqio. An event will occur at the start of the loop, obtaining the note. |
4 | Any | SQ 2/Remnan 3, Yuriko 4 | Remnan, SQ, Raqio | SQ must be Gnosia. Remnan must be Crew-aligned. SQ must try and cooperate with Remnan, and his response will differ from the usual refusal line. Ensure Raqio/Remnan do not go into cold sleep, and a night event in the Synthesis Plant will be available. Put SQ into cold sleep afterwards and view Remnan's subsequent night event. |
5 | Any* | Remnan 1-4 | Remnan | Remnan cannot be Guard Duty, nor the player's Gnosia ally. If the player is female, both of you must be Crew-aligned as well. Use Cover or Defend on Remnan during the first round of debates and make sure he doesn't get put into cold sleep. Talk to him that night, don't select the "I felt sorry for you" option, then ensure he lives until the next night and talk to him again. |
Note | Your Role | Prerequisites | Needed Characters | Other |
1 | Any | N/A | N/A | Unlocked automatically during the tutorial. |
2 | Any | Gina 2 and either Gina 3 or be on Loop 40+. | Yuriko, Gina, Remnan | Remnan must be Gnosia. Night event that occurs when the listed characters are alive. Keep them all alive through the next day to view another night event. |
3 | Any | Gina 2 and either Gina 3 or be on Loop 40+. | Yuriko, Gina, Remnan | Obtained at the same time as Yuriko 2. |
4 | Crew-aligned or Bug | Yuriko 2-3 | Yuriko, Setsu | Player must be on Loop 40+. Setsu must be Crew-aligned or Bug, and Yuriko must be Gnosia. Survive with Setsu until Yuriko is put into cold sleep. |
5 | Human | Yuriko 4 | Yuriko, Setsu | Accept Yuriko's collaboration and ensure she and Setsu live until night. Watch the subsequent event and then win the loop with Yuriko alive. |
6 | Crew-aligned* | Raqio 6 | Yuriko, Raqio | Raqio must be the Bug. Night event; triggers when the listed characters are alive. Try to make sure Raqio wins afterward - if you fail to do so you'll have to redo the event in another loop in order to obtain a later Note. |
Ending the Game[]
You must have Setsu 6 unlocked before you can complete the game. Do not read this section until you've reached that point!
Normal Ending[]
- Obtain Setsu 6.
- Obtain all other Notes.
- Set Gnosia to 0 and Crew to 15 again like you did to unlock Setsu 6.
- Watch the ending!
True Ending[]
- Obtain the Normal Ending.
- Hint: How can you reach Setsu back in the loop without erasing the Gnosia-free universe you struggled to find? What is something you can do that Setsu can't?
- If you don't have any ideas: Start a new game using an empty save slot. You don't need to use the same information as your completed file.
- When Setsu asks you the first question of the game, select the new option.
See also[]
- Gameplay
- Abilities
- Roles
- Skills
- Achievements
Gameplay | |
Basics | About the Game • Gameplay • Roles • Abilities • Hidden Stats • Skills • Experience |
Progression | Loops • Notes • Events • Normal Ending • True Ending |
Misc. | Spoiler-Free Walkthrough • Version History • Achievements • Soundtrack • Revenge of Time Clam • List of glitches and errors |